


MICHAT, M.C., Y. ALARIE, F. JIA, S. XU, J. HÁJEK & M. BALKE (2014) Description of the second and third instars of Aspidytes wrasei Balke, Ribera & Beutel, 2003, with comments on the identification of larvae of Aspidytes Ribera, Beutel, Balke & Vogler, 2002 (Coleoptera: Aspidytidae), and phylogenetic considerations. Zootaxa 3881 (4): 362–372.
Aspidytes wrasei Balke, Ribera & Beutel, 2003の2齢3齢幼虫の記載。すでに記載されている A. niobe Ribera, Beutel, Balke & Vogler, 2002の幼虫とは形態的に結構違うようだ。