



Lin S-M, Li T-W, Liou C-H, Amarga AKS, Cabras A, Tseng H-Y. (2021) Eggs survive throughavian guts—A possible mechanism for transoceanic dispersal of flightless weevils. Ecol Evol. 2021;00:1–6. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7630 アカハラ、シ…

Zhangpu biota

B. Wang, G. Shi, C. Xu, R. A. Spicer, V. Perrichot, A. R. Schmidt, K. Feldberg, J. Heinrichs,C. Chény, H. Pang, X. Liu, T. Gao, Z. Wang, A. Ślipiński, M. M. Solórzano-Kraemer, S. W. Heads, M. J. Thomas, E.-M. Sadowski, J. Szwedo, D. Azar, …


Biffi, G.; Rosa, S.P.; Kundrata, R. (2021) Hide-and-Seek with Tiny Neotenic Beetles in One of the Hottest Biodiversity Hotspots: Towards an Understanding of the Real Diversity of Jurasaidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) in the Brazilian Atlant…


E. Arriaga‐Varela, V. Sýkora & M. Fikáček (2021) Molecular phylogeny of Megasternini terrestrial water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae) reveals repeated continental interchange during Paleocene‐Eocene thermal maximum. Systematic Entomolog…


WANG J.-S. & HUA B.-Z. 2018: A Color Atlas of the Chinese Mecoptera. Henan Science and Technology Press, Zhengzhou, 351 pp. 李君のお陰でゲット。日本のものと全然違うけど見ているだけで楽しい。Panorpodesが少ないのか。 この本でもフレッシュな標…


J.-S. WANG (2021) Neopanorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from the Himalayas and adjacent regions, with descriptions of three new species. AEMNP 61(1): 203–212. この論文はすごい。写真が美しいのだが、標本写真がフレッシュな標本を使用して撮影され…


T. LIU, H. ONO & Munetoshi MARUYAMA (2021) Revision of the intertidal rove beetle genus Bryothinusa from Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). AEMNP 61(1): 163–201. 日本産ナギサハネカクシ属Bryothinusaの再検討。8既知種に9新種を加…