

Species list of the subfamily Penthinae Lacordaire, 1859

Genus Penthe Newman, 1838
 Penthe almorensis Champion, 1917 N India
 Penthe brevicollis Lacordaire, 1859 Java
 Penthe japana Marseul, 1876 Japan
 Penthe javana Pic, 1912 Java
 Penthe obliquata (Fabricius, 1798) N America
 Penthe pimelia (Fabricius, 1787) N America
 Penthe rufopubens Marseul, 1876 N India
 Penthe sumatrensis Fairmaire, 1896 Sumatra
 Penthe simillis Nikitsky, 2005 Myanmar
 Penthe reitteri Nikitsky, 1998 China (Sichuan), Taiwan
 Penthe kochi Mařan, 1940 China (Fukien)
 Penthe simplicicornis Gusakov, 2009 China (Gansu)
Genus Cyanopenthe Nikitsky, 1998
 Cyanopenthe metallica (Champion, 1916) N India
 Cyanopenthe thailandica Nikitsky, 1998 Thailand
 Cyanopenthe taiwana Hsiao et al., 2015 Taiwan
 Cyanopenthe leei Hsiao et al., 2015 Taiwan